Friday, May 13, 2011

ron paul 2012 - photos


Ron Paul Launches 2012 Bid; Says America Is Ready for His Libertarian Message
US Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) waits for a television interview at a campaign stop in Exeter, New Hampshire May 13, 2011, after announcing his candidacy for the Republican Presidential nomination earlier in the day. Paul made his bid for the 2012 ... read more

Ron Paul 2012: Public Finally Agrees With Me After 30 Years
These sentiments sparked the Tea Party movement, which, although having roots in Paul's philosophies and his followers, evolved largely outside of his directly control. Ever the non-conformist, Paul told Good Morning America that he doesn't agree with ... read more

The Week in 2012: 'It's go time' for Republican candidates
Nikki Haley had some advice for the field of potential GOP candidates: “It's go time.” This week, they seem to have listened to her. In the most eventful stretch yet of the 2012 presidential campaign primary season, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex. ... read more


ron paul revolution � 2012
Ron Paul 2012�
Ron Paul 2012 Bumper Sticker
ron paul 2012
Should Ron Paul run for
Ron Paul 2012. reply
Should Ron Paul run for
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