Wednesday, May 4, 2011

valerie jarrett - photos


Blagojevich jurors hear political maneuvering on tapes
Obama was relinquishing his US Senate seat and was interested in seeing it go to his good friend Valerie Jarrett. Blagojevich held the power to make that happen. On government wiretaps played in court at Blagojevich's retrial Wednesday, ... read more

Timothy Dalrymple's Daily Reflections on Faith and Politics, Church and Culture
Even if all of the facts in these accounts are true, I'm sure they can be spun in a manner much more favorable to the President and to Valerie Jarrett. This is a telling of the story from someone who is obviously not an Obama fan, and much less a ... read more

Valerie Jarrett to Donald Trump: Transcript request “is nonsense”
WASHINGTON — White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said President Obama will not release his academic records, commenting a day after Obama put out his “long form” birth certificate and ... read more


Valerie Jarrett with daughter
Valerie Jarrett � SECRETARY
Valerie Jarrett Rocked Barack.
adviser Valerie Jarrett
the Day � Valerie Jarrett
Valerie Jarrett Asks US
for Valerie Jarrett. Jan.
valerie jarrett nyt 01
to get Valerie Jarrett to
Obama Names Valerie Jarrett as

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