Thursday, November 10, 2011

cnbc debate - photos


CNBC Presidential Debate: Clueless Questions as Rick Perry Zones Out
The November 9 Republican presidential debate in Detroit highlighted the utter economic cluelessness of the overwhelming majority of CNBC hosts and another Rick Perry debate mental lapse (picture at left). CNBC host Maria Bartiromo began the debate by ... read more

What You Missed While Not Watching the CNBC "Oops" Debate
It's CNBC's way of setting the mood: A deep-voiced narrator. A video montage of struggling Detroit. The grim facts of American decline. “Massive unemployment,” the script reads. “Foreclosures in every neighborhood. Empty factories littering the ... read more

CNBC debate: Jon Huntsman balks on Mitt Romney attack
Jon Huntsman stopped short of going after Mitt Romney directly at the CNBC debate Wednesday, even as the CNBC moderators baited him to call the GOP frontrunner's China policies “pandering.” After Romney finished an extended attack on Chinese trade ... read more


Herman Cain at CNBC debate
CNBC presidential debate
Rick Perry Flub | CNBC Debate
CNBC Debate: Oops!
CNBC debate on November 9,
CNBC Debate Moderators
CNBC hosted the �Your Money, Your Vote� Republican debate Wednesday night
CNBC GOP debate 2011

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