Wednesday, November 9, 2011

alaska weather - photos


Nome, Alaska Hit With Bering Sea Storm As Unusual Weather Slams State
This image provided by the NOAA-19 satellite's AVHRR sensor, shows the storming bearing down on Alaska in this infrared imagery on Nov. 8, 2011 at 9 am EST. The storm has reportedly blown roofs off in Nome, Alaska Unusual weather has hit Nome, Alaska, ... read more

Rescue action heats up 'Coast Guard Alaska'
The “unusual” part is where the weather comes in. While the first episode here was filmed under what look to be calm, mostly sunny skies, this is still Alaska. The weather is not your friend. One of the Coast Guardsmen says the ocean water temperature ... read more

Snow coming in Midwest; Gale pounds Alaska
Howling gales off Lake Michigan were predicted for West Michigan while heavy rain rolled through Dixie, the National Weather Service said. The greatest concerns, however, were in Alaska where the weather service warned western residents could expect ... read more


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