Tuesday, November 8, 2011

asteroid - photos


Asteroid Close Call With Earth? You Have No Idea
7, 2011: This radar image of asteroid 2005 YU55 shows the space rock 3.6 lunar distances, which is about 860000 miles, or 1.38 million kilometers, from Earth. A craggy, 1300-foot wide bit of space rock missed Earth tonight in the closest encounter by ... read more

Video: Government Scientist Explains Why Asteroid Hurtling Toward Earth Is No ...
As you may have heard, an asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier will be passing very close to our planet tonight. Don't panic! Even though this is the closest approach by an asteroid of this magnitude that scientists have known about in advance—and ... read more

Big asteroid swinging by not the first to visit our neighborhood
You can forgive any folks around Osceola for wiping their brows as the latest near-miss asteroid slipped between Earth and moon and back into the darkness Tuesday. After all, the last space visitor to Missouri plunked down in their vicinity and did a ... read more


Asteroid - Wikipedia, the free
List of notable asteroids,
the asteroid was
image of asteroid Eros.
Asteroid Gaspra taken by the
Asteroid impacts
Asteroid collision
Asteroid Apophis 2036 The
How Asteroids Work \x26middot; How
Asteroid bound for

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