Thursday, November 10, 2011

rick perry - photos


Texas Gov. Rick Perry stumbles badly in Republican debate
Rick Perry, the onetime Republican front-runner who had hoped to regain traction in a candidates' debate Wednesday, instead suffered what may have been the worst memory meltdown in the history of presidential debates. By Paul Sancya, AP Rick Santorum, ... read more

Rick Perry stumbles in debate
Rick Perry was touting the three departments that he would cut to curb the size of the federal government. He named two -- Education and Commerce -- but for an excruciating period searched his mind for the third. Currently there are no comments. ... read more

Rick Perry's GOP debate 'oops'
Rick Perry had an 'oops' moment at the GOP debate in Detroit Wednesday when he couldn't remember one of the three government agencies he plans to cut. (Nov. 9) (/Courtesy of CNBC) Correction: Clarification: SuperFan badge holders consistently post ... read more


enter Rick Perry?
Rick Perry Candidate Profile
AKA James Richard Perry
Perry explained his earlier
joined the Rick Perry for
Texas Governor Rick Perry
Rick Perry Signed
Rick Perry: Conservative
Rick Perry
Even Rick Perrys Staff Cant

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